Day 1 - Texts, Origin and Astronomical Wisdom
- From the timekeeping in the Vedas to Garga and Varahamihra, learn the roots of Vedic Astrology
- How the astronomy and calculations coalesce around the 5 aspects of the Panchanga.
- How each of the "5 Limbs of time" is shown everyday and in every NATAL CHART.
- Which Panchanga limbs are more prominent and why.
- Quotes / Passages from Muhurta Chnitamani and Kalaprakashika.
Day 2 - Deeper Dive into the Calculations and their Meaning
- Tithis, Pakshas (waxing and waning cycles) Nitya Yoga meanings and more.
- Busting myths and fuzziness that exists about "Nakshatra Padas", "Tithi elements" and other slop that has crept into the teachings, relative to Panchanga.
- The Yogic, esoteric, Vedantic implications of the Waxing and Waning Lunar cycle.
- Elements and Gunas and the Daily tithi.
Day 3 - Case Studies, Techniques and Application
- Tithi Pravesh charts (Annual / Birthday Charts)
- Analyzing Panchanga factors in natal charts
- Using the Panchanga factors sensibly and in conjunction with Parashari methods
- Vara / Tithi / Nakshatra Yogas principles
- The modern and sensible application of these principles.